Financial lease commerce platform business case

Financial Lease

Automation of the entire application process is the independent and objective online specialist in business lease cars. The ambition is to use Straight Through Processing (STP) to make the process completely digital. From finding the right car to signing the lease contract, without human intervention.

financial lease website preview
mobiele website van financial lease
  • Finding the right leased car among 70,000 cars is the market leader in the field of Financial Lease, with over 70,000 new and young used cars. The search engine helps the user to find the right type of car. The extensive filter options ensure that the user can quickly find the perfect car.

In high gear

With a catalog of 70,000 cars and 20,000 product changes per day, the system must run in high gear. The underlying architecture is designed to keep the system responsive. Each search provides results to the end user within 100 milliseconds. This ensures a pleasant user experience.

Financial lease website overview
financial lease website footer
Financial lease calculator
  • Increased visibility through integrations with car dealerships

    As the largest financial lease provider in the Netherlands, Financial Lease not only wants to be visible on its own e-commerce environment, but also through affiliated dealers. Therefore, has given hundreds of affiliated dealers the option to integrate the Financial Lease catalog within their own website.


The existing platform of has been migrated to an e-commerce platform. Users can request a quote online. This is the first step towards implementing Straight Through Processing.

  • 100


    Fast search results within 100 milliseconds

  • 70.000


    High scalability with 70,000 products and 20,000 mutations per day.