Farm Frites

A multimodal lead-gen website for foodies

If you’ve had some chips at your local chip shop, restaurant, or fast-food chain recently, chances are they came from Farm Frites. This global leader in french fries is originally a Dutch, family-owned company. Our job was to create a cooked-to-perfection lead-gen website seasoned with features.

Sfreeimpressie aardappelteelt

Multimodal per region and language

Farm Frites serves some 100 countries across 25 different regions and languages. During a deep dive under the hood, we quickly realised that the traditional CMS did not meet these demands. Moreover, the maintenance was a huge drain on time and expenses – both of which Farm Frites would rather spend on innovation.

We opted for a complete overhaul using a composable architecture and CMS by StoryBlok. This allows us to disconnect the front end from the back end, giving each country and region its own environment, including language, product lineup, and spotlight stories. This also makes life a whole lot easier for content editors, who can shift their focus back from maintenance to content.

Mockup van de aardappelselector op de website van Farm frites

The potato picker

From jacket potatoes and chips to all kinds of snacks, Farm Frites' product range is the reason business owners visit the website. Where they were initially met by a jumble of products, it was our task to display each product prominently and make searching for items a breeze.

User testing helped us to visualise what customers wanted: a substantial potato selector with handy filters for each of the different target groups; chippies, restaurants, chain owners, and start-ups. Clicking through to a PDP offers detailed information about each product. These product specifications are managed in the backend. So we first had to make sure the information was comprehensive and uniform across the board. 

From the PDP chefs, buyers, and business owners can easily get in touch with Farm Frites. The lead-gen forms are an essential part of the website, so we made sure to add relevant filters to save work on the sales side. Thanks to the use of composable architecture, we can link all kinds of APIs efficiently. An example is the Salesforce API as a CRM that neatly links customer data and requests. Turning the site into a fully functional lead magnet.

Mockups van de Farm frites global website

Manageable migration

A multimodal migration involves a lot of work because each language and region has its own content to migrate to the new CMS. Decoupling the front and back end means this work is much more manageable and can be done country by country. The new setup gives each region the freedom to display its own products, content, and campaigns within the frameworks given by Farm Frites HQ.

A gourmet look and feel 

In addition to laying the new foundation and architecture, we also made the website tasty again on the front end. Within the MakerStreet network, Soda went to work on usability, Mr. Koreander created beautiful stories in clear language, and the overall website was given a crisp visual update courtesy of Resoluut.

Persoon loopt met een stel puntzakken van Farm Frites
Farmfrites kwam langs op het makesrStreet kantoor

All the toppings

In addition to putting down a new platform and future-proof tech stack, providing clients with (technical) advice is really important to us. In this case, we saw enormous potential in Farm Frites’ entrepreneurial heart.

The project planning, management, and guidance went so smoothly that we were able to create a new digital platform and renewed website full of finger-licking features within just 6 months.

We believe that successes should be celebrated, so Farm Frites surprised our colleagues at the MakerStreet office with its very own takeaway chip stall. Who can say no to a serving of fresh crunchy fries?

Do you have a similar project or want to get in touch about a new digital strategy? Knock on the door or give us a call!